myPresto5 License
Japan Biological Informatics Consortium ( here after “JBIC”) has been developing a software suite in the Project Focused on Developing Key Technology for Discovering and Manufacturing Drugs for Next-Generation Treatment and Diagnosis (2018-2021 and 2021-) from Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) , the JBIC membership fee and personal activities of the developers. The software suite includes the following functions.
・Simulation of biological systems including proteins, membrane and compounds. ・Protein/RNA-compound docking ・in silico drug screening, and etc.
This software suite is called “myPresto5” (Medicinally Yielding PRotein Engineering SimulaTOr version 5), and JBIC allows anyone to using myPresto5 under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL-2.1) condition. JBIC allows the JBIC members and the myPresto5 developers listed below the JBIC-member license including commercial use, modification, re-distribution, and etc.
特記事項:myPresto5開発者 Notice : myPresto5 developers
ここに挙げる者はmyPresto開発者としてJBIC会員と同等のライセンスの下でmyPresto5を利用することができる。 JBIC allows the listed myPresto5 developers to use myPresto5 under the same condition of the License for JBIC members.
中村 春木(Nakamura, Haruki) 福西 快文(Fukunishi, Yoshifumi) 真下 忠彰(Mashimo, Tadaaki) 黒澤 隆(Kurosawa, Takashi) 川端 猛(Kawabata, Takeshi) 笠原 浩太(Kasahara, Kota) Bhaskar Dasgupta 肥後 順一(Higo, Junichi) 福田 育夫(Fukuda, Ikuo) 神谷 成敏(Kamiya, Narutoshi) 杉原 崇憲(Sugihara, Takanori) 和田 光人(Wada, Mitsuhito) 金井 千里(Kanai, Chisato) 吉川 達也(Yoshikawa, Tatsuya) |
木寺 詔紀(Kidera, Akinori) 寺田 透(Terada, Toru) 窪田 聡(Kubota, Satoru) 渡辺 幸久(Watanabe, Yukihisa S.) 伊奈 康夫(Ina, Yasuo) 金 在吉(Jae Gil, Kim) 三上 義明(Mikami, Yoshiaki) 橋 祐一(Hashi, Yuichi) 巽 理恵(Tatsumi, Rie) 森上賢治(Morikami, Kenji) 中井 孝尚(Nakai, Takahisa) 金城 玲(Kinjo, Akira) 杉原 裕介(Sugihara, Yusuke) 中村 寛則(Nakamura, Hironori) ―以上― |