For MD calculation in GROMACS, residue name TP4 is now recognized as water molecule.
When a file is input by [Open Molecular File] / [Open Molecular File as list] and displayed in 3D, the file base name is now displayed in the tab of the 3D display screen.
When a file is displayed in 3D by PDB ID in [Open Remote mmCIF/PDB], the PDB ID is displayed in the tab of the 3D display screen.
The latest version of pdbcheck@myPresto5, which converts GTP (guanosine 5′-phosphate) to G (guanine) in nucleic acid molecules, is implemented so that docking and MD calculations can be performed even when GTP is present.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug in which, after deleting a molecule by [Delete], the deletion may not correctly delete the molecule or atom in the index after the deleted molecule by [Delete] again.