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For downloading myPresto newest version. myPresto is a program suite composed of several molecular simulations for drug development.

Medicinally Yielding PRotein Engineering SimulaTOr

myPresto is a program suite composed of several molecular simulations for drug development.

This page is for downloading free program myPresto newest version.

Recent News

LigandBox ver. 2310 additional Released

LigandBox for 3 million compounds using the 2023 Namiki Trading Co. catalog and 1 million compounds using 2023 KISHIDA CHEMICAL CO.,LTD. have been released and can be downloaded from the LigandBox download site.

Please contact us for more information about the LigandBox download site.

LB_agri_Namiki2304 (3 million compounds for pesticides discovery)

LB_drug_Kishida2310 (1 million compounds for drug discovery)

LB_agri_Kishida2310 (1 million compounds for pesticides discovery)